Knowing Jesus. Telling About Jesus.
Loving as Jesus Loves.
St. Paul Lutheran Church is a congregation of 620 members in the town of Treynor, Iowa. We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Our mission is to Know Jesus, Tell About Jesus, and Love As Jesus Loves. St. Paul was founded in 1880 and has a long history and tradition.
Weekly worship consists of 2 services. Traditional Sunday morning worship is held at 8:00 AM and Contemporary Sunday worship is held at 10:30 AM. Additional services are held on holidays throughout the church year, including Christmas Eve, Weekly Lenten Services, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. Our Sunday morning service also streams on facebook.
Additionally, St. Paul offers many youth ministries. Sunday School classes for youth in preschool through eighth grade are held every Sunday at 9:15 AM during the school year.
Confirmation classes for seventh and eight grade youth are held most Wednesday evenings during the school year as well as Cell Group for High School Youth.
Please contact the church office for additional details.
Our Vision Statement
We are a vital community of faith where God is glorified, lives are changed, and all are called and equipped to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.